Owe No Man Anything Campaign
We are excited to announce the launch of our ambitious Debt Elimination Campaign here at The Word Church. Our goal is to cancel the $5 million debt owed on our church building within the next two years. We understand the magnitude of this goal, but we firmly believe that with the support and commitment of our congregation, we can achieve this together.
$1,345,351/ $5,000,000 toward Debt
About the Owe No Man Anything Campaign
The Word Church Debt Elimination Campaign
We are excited to announce the launch of our ambitious Debt Elimination Campaign here at The Word Church. Our goal is to cancel the $5 million debt owed on our church building within the next two years. We understand the magnitude of this goal, but we firmly believe that with the support and commitment of our congregation, we can achieve this together.
Race to the First Million
To kick off this campaign, we aim to race to the first million dollars paid towards our debt. This initial milestone will set the tone for our journey towards financial freedom and demonstrate our collective dedication to securing the future of our church.
Commitment and Pledges
We are asking our members to consider committing to an additional gift of $25 weekly or an additional $50 weekly above their regular offerings. Your generosity and sacrifice will play a pivotal role in helping us reach our financial targets and honor our commitment to eliminating this debt burden.
2024 and 2025 Milestones
In the spirit of transparency and accountability, our plan entails paying $2.5 million towards the debt in 2024 and the remaining $2.5 million in 2025. By allocating our financial resources strategically and consistently, we are confident that we can achieve these annual targets.
Your Vital Role
Brothers and sisters, your support is crucial to the success of this campaign. We understand that everyone’s financial circumstances differ, and we appreciate any level of contribution that you can make towards this effort. Whether it’s through a weekly pledge, a one-time donation, or fervent prayer, your involvement matters.
Unity in Purpose
As we embark on this journey, let us unite in purpose and envision the remarkable impact of a debt-free church. Your commitment to this cause will not only ensure the stability and growth of our congregation but will also exemplify the power of collective faith and action.
We are thrilled about what's to come and can't wait to see the amazing kindness and commitment of our church members. Together, we can accomplish great things and ensure a successful future for all.